What led you to work in sustainable finance?

I’ve had the privilege of working at lots of different firms during my career, including Vestra Wealth (now LGT Wealth Management). I loved working at then Vestra, and luckily crossed paths with David Scott and Siobhan Lazeris during my time there.

I was intrigued and excited when David set up Tribe Impact Capital in 2016. Fast forward to February 2022, I was lucky enough to be interviewed and joined the Compliance team. A business which is aligning client capital with the causes clients’ truly care about resonated within me ethically and emotionally, and was different to anything I’d experienced before, which is why I went for the job.

Why Tribe?

The innovative work Tribe is doing in the world of impact investing captured my imagination from the outset. A whole-of-business model, which is solely focussed on client financial performance alongside a strong commitment to achieving positive, measurable social and environmental outcomes, is cutting-edge and a joy to be a part of.

The Tribe team makes my job far easier than it could be at other financial institutions; this is the most intelligent, collegiate and excellent team I’ve ever worked with, packed with inspiring individuals from all walks of life. I love seeing how we’ve sparked new connections between our clients, too.

What’s your most memorable work moment?

Getting promoted to the Head of Compliance at Tribe. It was a huge moment for me and my career, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity and belief Tribe has in me. In 2024 I’m also proud that I pushed myself to speak on 4 panels and podcasts, with topics ranging from artificial intelligence to B Corporations.

What did you want to be growing up?

An archaeologist, Time Team was a personal obsession of mine in the 90’s. I was always fascinated with what’s hidden under the earth’s layers and the many stories the treasures hold, from prehistoric dinosaur bones to ancient Greek tombs.

What’s your earliest memory?

Eating glitter in a sandpit in pre-school nursery before the Christmas church event and getting very sick. I never made it to the nativity play as an angel, sorry mum. Shout out to Steephill School in Fawkham and my favourite ever teacher, Mrs. Shepherd, who looked after me.

If you had to pick, which of the 17 SDGs means the most to you and why?

Number 4 – Quality Education. From a young age, my mum brought me up with the understanding that it’s essential everyone in the UK, and across the world, has access to a quality education. She taught me that it’s a fundamental human right and foundational building block that benefits both individuals and communities, leading progress and development beyond the classroom.

A good quality education is something that no one can take away from you; it empowers us to improve our lives and the lives of our children and other generations. It has the power to break cycles of poverty and enables individuals to better contribute to society. Quality education also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which in my view are essential for personal growth and economic success.

If you could have dinner with two people, who would they be? What would you discuss/ask them?

I’d choose my closest friends to have dinner with every time, because they’re like family and we have so much fun when we’re together.

If they weren’t available, Joanne McNally (because she’s hilarious and I love the podcast My Therapist Ghosted Me (IYKYK)). I’d like to discuss what Joanne thinks makes personal experiences so universal in comedy, as she often shares funny and relatable stories about everyday life. I’d also love to know what inspired her to become a comedian, and how she got started in the industry because it is one of the toughest.

I’d also love to dine with Deborah Meaden; she’s an incredible entrepreneur. I’ve respected her tenacity, authenticity and business ethos for many years. Deborah is a strong advocate for sustainability, and I’d love to get her insights on how businesses can scale effectively without compromising on their core values. I’d also ask what personal habits and mindsets have helped her succeed in her enterprises.

If you weren’t the head of compliance at Tribe, what would you be?

I’d be running my own business as a boss lady makeup artist and a skincare professional – two things I’m hugely passionate about. I often have friends asking me to do their makeup, so I think monetising this as a side hustle should be part of my 2025 plan…

What have you read, listened to, or watched recently that you’ve enjoyed?

I’ve read 4 books recently I’d love to share:

  1. Educated by Tara Westover is the best book I read this year. It takes you on Tara’s journey growing up in a strict, survivalist Mormon family in rural Idaho. It’s an emotionally charged book with many layers about the importance of exposure to diverse perspectives and the value of questioning the world around us; an education in the world beyond home.
  2. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel is also incredible and will re-frame the way you think about money.
  3. How to Own the Room: Women and the Art of Brilliant Speaking by Viv Groskop helped me massively with improving my public speaking!

And of course…Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. Entrepreneurship, experience, and perseverance at its best. It’s an exceptional lesson in risk-taking and innovation alongside smart, eccentric and passionate people.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never have?

Head over to Australia for a trip. I have a passport and am yet to visit! Crazy, I know. I nearly took a gap year in Aus before university, but my parents knew I’d likely never return to England. I may even do a bungee jump out there, something I’ve thought about and been tempted by.

Give us an exclusive, what’s something no one knows about you?

I’ve started exploring journaling this year, particularly focusing my attention on gratitude. It’s a powerful emotion which is proven over time to reduce stress, increase optimism, and improve brain function and productivity. We have so much in life to be thankful for but don’t often take a moment out of the day to focus on this. I bought the Intelligent Change Five Minute Journal which is excellent in helping me improve every day; seeing my growth across even one month is very inspiring.

Picture this: a moment from Olivia’s camera roll

I found heaven on a loch when I visited Oban in Scotland a few years ago. This photo is one of my favourites ever, because for me it perfectly captures the magic and freedom I felt in that moment. The light was mystical and otherworldly on this autumnal day. We have so many stunning areas in the UK to visit, which we sometimes forget. Oban is totally enchanting. Top tip: go to Oban’s Seafood Hut (AKA the Green Shack) and Oban Distillery for the best day out.
This is your cue to hop in a car, plane or train and book something for 2025.