Tribe honoured as best for the world 2018

Tribe is delighted to have been named as one of the Best For The World businesses in the annual 2018 B Corporation list, representing the top 10% of all B Corps globally.
Just five months after becoming a fully certified B Corp, the team at Tribe “are extremely honoured, very humbled and utterly delighted to qualify as a ‘Best for the World’ company. When we look out at the world we inhabit, there is real reason for optimism. Whilst we continue to face growing and mounting social and environmental pressure, across the board, there are big signs of positive changes afoot. And the growth of the B Corp family, where they are, what we all do, well, that makes us smile and redouble our efforts to make positive, lasting change. Congratulations to all of our ‘friends’ around the world doing amazing things. We are so proud to be right there alongside you and part of this incredible family. Together, we can be the change we need to see”.
For more information on the B Corp movement please check out this amazing video.