What led you to work in sustainable finance?

I’ve always been interested in how money and capital can make the world a better place. I was lucky enough to spend some time living and working in Malawi and I always observed that despite how rural a village was, there always seemed to be an ATM and 50% of the time it was working! I thought if the banks can get cash to people, think what else they can do!

Why Tribe?

Because it’s the only company that’s 100% committed to impact – both in terms of products and services but also values & behaviours as a firm. I feel lucky to work at Tribe every day.

What’s your most memorable work milestone?

Probably getting the job at Tribe, as cheesy as it is. I still have to pinch myself that I work here.

What did you want to be growing up?

It really varied – sometimes I wanted to be a lawyer and sometimes I wanted to be Cher from Clueless.

What’s your earliest memory?

My earliest memory is going to the hospital when my Mum had given birth to my little brother. My dad had bought me a balloon and I let it go by mistake and I was devastated. It was classic older sister vibes from the beginning – all about me!

If you had to pick, which of the 17 SDGs means the most to you and why?

Ohhh this is so hard because they’re all interconnected. Increasingly I think SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) is so important because the world has become so divided and we won’t solve all the other issues if we can’t work together.

If you could have dinner with two people who would they be? What would you discuss?

I know you’re meant to choose famous or inspiring people here, but I’d cheat and choose three people; my three best friends. We’d discuss all the things we always discuss; life, love, memories. They are the most interesting people in the world to me.

If you weren’t a wealth manager what would you be?

A storm chaser.

What have you read, listened to, or watched recently that you’ve enjoyed?

I’m a huge political podcast enthusiast: The Rest is Politics or Newscast are my go-tos. I’m currently reading Growth by Daniel Susskind which is all about rethinking economic growth. Don’t worry though, I balance that out with a strong obsession with KUWTK (IYKYK).

What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never have?

I’d like to jump out of a plane!

Give us an exclusive, what’s something no one knows about you?

This is a hard one. I’m quite proud of myself; I can swim in ridiculously cold water, the colder the better.

Picture this: A moment from Cate’s camera roll

This is a photo I took walking home from dinner one evening in Portugal this summer. It reminds me of my amazing family, but also of lovely warm evenings.