Ulf Erlandsson

About Ulf
Ulf started his career as a quant strategist at Barclays Capital, then ran credit portfolios at AP4, a Swedish state pension fund. He has hands on experience using classical credit trading techniques in a new context to generate returns and impact. Ulf is a firm believer in the written word advancing one’s intellectual process, with work featuring in books such as “Systematic CDS Index trading”, in academic articles like “Credit alpha and CO2 reduction”, and in contributions to teaching material such as the CFA UK’s “Certificate in ESG Investing”.
Ulf’s values are aligned with Tribe Theme 1: Environment and Ecology. Ulf is the Chief Investment Officer of Diem, a startup hedge fund strategy focused on credit market and climate impact. He is also the Founder of the Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute, a non-profit organisation researching and advocating a more positive and stronger bond market influence on our sustainability challenges.